2024 Annual Conference


Fargo, ND
AUG. 4 - 6
John M. Davidson

Dr. John M. Davidson was raised in south Texas and received his undergraduate and DVM degrees from Texas A&M University. He holds veterinary licenses in Texas and New Mexico. He practiced in rural south-central Texas where he was owner/partner of a 4-veterinarian mixed-animal practice. In 2007, Dr. Davidson joined the faculty at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences where he served as an ambulatory clinician and extension veterinarian until accepting an industry position in 2011. Most recently, Dr. Davidson served as the Senior Associate Director for Beef Cattle Professional Services with Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health where he received Boehringer’s Global Excellence Award for management in 2019. Dr. Davidson is currently the Director of Business Development for Heritage Veterinary Partners. His professional interests are reproductive and respiratory diseases in beef cattle, rural practice sustainability, and the recruitment and retention of future bovine practitioners. He completed the Beef Cattle Production Management Series at the Great Plains Veterinary Education Center in Clay Center, Nebraska. Dr. Davidson was the 51st President of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP) and the recipient of the Zoetis AABP Distinguished Service Award in 2016. He has served as the Beef Cattle Regent for the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (ABVP). Dr. Davidson is an active supporter of youth in agriculture and mentor to current and aspiring veterinary medical students. Since 2007, he has served as veterinarian for Rodeo Austin. He is also a member of the AVMA, AVC, SFT, TVMA (lifetime), TSCRA and NCBA. In his free time, Dr. Davidson builds custom hunting rifles (Southpaw Precision LLC), enjoys watching Fightin’ Texas Aggie football & baseball, hunting and flying. John, wife (D’Ann), have 2 children (Claire 22 and Jake 18) and reside in Shiner, Texas.


Renee Schmid

Renee Schmid, DVM, DABT, DABVT, is the Director, Veterinary Medicine, Pet Poison Helpline and Senior Veterinary Toxicologist for Pet Poison Helpline/SafetyCall International. She has been with the organization since 2013.  Dr. Schmid graduated from Kansas State University and is a Diplomate of both the American Board of Toxicology and American Board of Veterinary Toxicology.  

While at Pet Poison Helpline, Dr. Schmid has had the opportunity to manage thousands of cases involving animal poisonings.  In addition, she has presented on various toxins and leadership at both state, regional and national conferences as well as national webinars.  Dr. Schmid has published scientific book chapters on a variety of toxins and general poisoning therapies.  Dr. Schmid has also published peer-reviewed scientific articles on intermediate syndrome after suspected organophosphate poisoning in a dog, xylitol, and mirabegron poisoning in dogs (Schmid et al. Suspected intermediate syndrome in a dog after organophosphate poisoning, JVECC. Schmid et al. Acute Hepatic Failure in a Dog after Xylitol Ingestion and Schmid et al. Mirabegron Toxicosis in Dogs: A Retrospective Study, both in Journal of Medical Toxicology.  Schmid et al.).  Dr. Schmid also serves on the Editorial Advisory Board for dvm360, is a peer reviewer for Merck Veterinary Manual, and represents Pet Poison Helpline in AAHA’s Veterinary Visionaries initiative.

Michelle Mostrum

Dr. Michelle Mostrom is a veterinary toxicologist at the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at North Dakota State University (NDSU) in Fargo, North Dakota [2002 to the present]. Dr. Mostrom received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Iowa State University at Ames, Iowa. She spent several years in a mixed animal practice in Iowa, and then went back to graduate school in toxicology. Dr. Mostrom completed a toxicology residency and M.S. (University of Illinois) and Ph.D. (University of Saskatchewan) in toxicology. She did clinical research on the environmental impacts of industrial pollution (Oil & Gas) in livestock for the province of Alberta for numerous years and has done research in human allergics and asthmatics for several years. At NDSU, Dr. Mostrom has focused on mycotoxins and feed issues, environment, and water quality. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Veterinary Toxicology and the American Board of Toxicology (1995-2020).

Victor S. Cortese

Vic graduated from Michigan State University with his bachelors and doctorate.  He received his doctorate in veterinary medicine in 1980.  He then entered a mixed animal/ dairy practice in Wisconsin where he also held a non-tenured adjunct professor position with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, College of Veterinary Medicine.  In 1989 he joined Diamond Scientific in their technical services department where he was promoted to director of veterinary operations.  In June of 1990 he moved to SmithKline Beecham Animal Health (now Zoetis) as a senior technical services veterinarian, with his main emphasis on dairy and its allied sectors. Until November of 2020, He held the title of Director Technical Services—Cattle Immunology which included both North American and international cattle and veterinary segments. He currently is the owner of Cortese Veterinary Consulting LLC where he works with veterinarians and cattle producers around the world. He has many publications on viral infections, immunology, neonatal immunology and young dairy calf management, several textbook chapters and guest lectures at many veterinary and university meetings including the American Association of Bovine Practitioners/World Buiatrics Congress, American Association of Swine Veterinarians and the AVMA.  He received his diplomat status to American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (Dairy Practice Specialty) in 1995.   In September 1997, at the American Association of Bovine Practitioners Conference in Montreal, he received the AABP’s Award for Excellence.  In 1999, he successfully completed his Ph.D. in Microbiology from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan.  In 2013, Bovine Veterinarian Magazine selected Dr. Cortese as one of the twenty most influential cattle veterinarians in the United States.


Amy Knollinger

Dr. Amy Knollinger is a 3rd generation Florida native who earned her bachelor of science degree from Florida Southern College. She then attended North Carolina State University for veterinary school and graduated with honors. Returning to her home state, she then performed a small animal rotating internship in Winter Park, Florida. After two years in private practice and affiliation with the University of Georgia’s ophthalmology service, Dr. Knollinger completed a three-year residency program with Eye Care for Animals, after which she became a board-certified Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists.


James Noxon

Dr. Jim Noxon received his D.V.M. degree from Colorado State University in 1976.  After two years of private practice in Denver, Colorado, he completed a residency in Small Animal Internal Medicine at the University of Missouri-Columbia (1980) and then joined the faculty at Iowa State University in 1982 where he is currently a Morrill Professor (distinguished professorship in teaching) in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, a staff dermatologist in the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center, and Section Leader of the dermatology section at Iowa State University. Jim is a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine and an honorary diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Dermatology. He is a past president of the American Academy of Veterinary Dermatology.   In addition to his teaching responsibilities at Iowa State University, he currently provides the core small animal dermatology lectures for third -year veterinary students at Oregon State University and Long Island University. Jim has received numerous advising / teaching awards and is a two-time recipient of the Carl J. Norden Distinguished Teaching Award.  He is the 2015 recipient of the Frank Král Award for Achievement in Veterinary Dermatology, an award given by the American Academy of Veterinary Dermatology for outstanding achievements and dedication to the veterinary profession and specialty of dermatology. He was also named as the “2022 Veterinary Hero” for dermatology by DVM 360. His research interests lie in the area of otology and management of ear diseases.

Jarred Williams

Jarred Williams received his Bachelor of Science (2000), Master of Science (2002), and DVM degree (2006) from the University of Georgia.  He did his rotating internship at Alamo Pintado Equine Medical Center in California, and subsequently completed 2 residencies in Equine Surgery and Equine Emergency/Critical Care, and a PhD at Ohio State University.  In 2013, he returned home to join the Department of Large Animal Medicine at the University of Georgia, where he is a Clinical Professor of Large Animal Surgery and Emergency/Critical Care. Dr. Williams is board certified as a Diplomate in the American College of Veterinary Surgeons and the American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care.   His clinical and research interests are in the areas of hypoperfusion and colic.

Kelli Maddock

Kelli Maddock is the Section Head of the Microbiology and Biosafety Level-3 laboratories at the NDSU Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (NDSU-VDL). She is a board-certified medical laboratory scientist with BS and MS degrees in Medical Laboratory Science. Prior to joining the NDSU-VDL in 2015, she worked for 6 years at Sanford Health as a laboratory technical assistant and Medical Laboratory Scientist in the Microbiology and Molecular Diagnostic departments. She serves on the NDSU Institutional Biosafety Committee, is the co-chair of the American Association for Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Committee and is active in laboratory standards development with the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) Veterinary Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Working Group. Kelli is also pursuing a Doctor of Public Health with a focus on Clinical Laboratory Science and Practice through the University of South Florida.

Mark Alley

Dr. Mark Alley is a managing veterinarian with Zoetis.  His primary responsibilities are providing support to Zoetis business managers involved with cow/calf and stocker operations in the southeastern United States. Dr Alley is a Mississippi native earning his DVM from Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 1996. Dr. Alley was in small animal private practice in WV and mixed large animal practice in TN before joining North Carolina State University where he spent 10 years as an ambulatory clinician and extension ruminant veterinarian for NC.

To continue his education, Dr. Alley completed an MBA from University of Guelph in 2008 and the requirements to become a Diplomate of American College of Animal Welfare in 2022.

Dr. Alley lives in Cary, NC with his wife, Audra, and they own a 6-person small animal practice in Morrisville, NC. Their daughter Taylor still lives at home while their son and daughter-in-law (Reid and Julia) are seniors at Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine.

Heidi Hulon

A native of Alabama, Dr. Hulon graduated from Auburn University with both her undergraduate degree and her D.V.M. She has practiced in Texas, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Alabama in a variety of areas during her career, including small animal practice (associate and owner), relief vet, shelter medicine, Department Chair for a Veterinary Technology Program, and as a Technical Service Veterinarian for Hill’s Pet Nutrition. 

Since 2011, Dr. Hulon has been a Regional Consulting Veterinarian for Elanco Animal Health. Her current role is the Wellbeing Consulting Veterinarian, where her personal experiences and professional passion focus on subjects related to wellbeing within the veterinary profession.   She is focused on delivering information that promotes wellbeing to the veterinary profession nationally and internationally.

Subjects in which Dr. Hulon has certification are FRANK Communication Skills, Insights Discovery, Compassion Fatigue, Positive Psychology, QPR Suicide Training, Fear Free, the Human Animal Bond, Mental Health First Aid and Canine Colors.

Dr. Hulon is very involved in organized veterinary medicine.  She is a Past President of the Kentucky VMA and served for 2 years as Secretary/ Treasurer.  She was President of the Greater Louisville VMA for 11 years.  She was a member of the Alumni Advisory Council for Auburn University’s College of Veterinary Medicine for 8 years and served on the Foundation Board for the Louisville Zoo for 16 years as the Chairperson for the Conservation, Education and Collections Committee. 

Currently, she is involved with the Alabama VMA, serving on the Wellbeing Committee and is a member of the Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine Alumni Group.  Dr. Hulon teaches the Wellbeing Elective at Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine.

Heidi lives in Auburn, AL with her parakeets, Aurea and Bo.  She has 2 grown sons, Spencer and Evan, of whom she is extremely proud. When not working, she can be found on the tennis court or attending an Auburn event. J  War Eagle!

Rick Funston, PhD, MS, BS

Dr. Funston is a professor and Reproductive Physiologist at the University of Nebraska. He received his BS from North Dakota State University, MS from Montana State University his PhD from the University of Wyoming, and completed a Post Doc at Colorado State University in Reproduction/Biotechnology. He divides his time between extension and research. His research on lighter heifer development is receiving national attention/adoption; research on fetal programming effects on postnatal calf performance including carcass characteristics and reproduction has received national and international recognition; and he is a team member of nationally recognized beef systems research. In the extension capacity, he provides leadership and subject matter expertise for educational programs in cow-calf production management for the West Central District and statewide expertise in beef reproductive management programs.

Joseph Taboada, DVM, DACVIM

Dr. Taboada is a Professor of Small Animal Internal Medicine at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine where he has served as Associate Dean of Student and Academic Affairs and as Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Accreditation since 1999. He is a graduate of the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine and pursued specialty training in internal medicine by first completing an internship at The Animal Medical Center in New York City and then a small animal internal medicine residency at the University of Florida. Dr. Taboada is a diplomate of the ACVIM; is a past President and Chair of the Board of ACVIM, of the Specialty of Internal Medicine, and of the ACVIM Foundation. He was a member of the Board of Regents of ACVIM from 1996-2009 and a member of the board of the ACVIM Foundation from 2004-2011. He served as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine from 2002-2007. He presently serves on the Board of the International Council of Veterinary Assessment (ICVA). He has won 32 national and SVM teaching and service awards, including the Andrew Lackner Mentoring Award in 2019, the Pfizer-Norden Distinguished Teacher Award in 2007, the Animal Medical Center Distinguish Alumni Award in 2004, the American Animal Hospital Association Innovative Veterinary Diets Award for contributions to the profession in 2003, the American Animal Hospital Association Distinguished Service Award in 2005, the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Distinguished Service Award in 2012, and the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Foundation Distinguished Service Award in 2013. He has spoken at over 150 international, national, regional, and local meetings, and has a textbook that has been published in 3 languages, has written over 100 book chapters, is a section editor for Cote’s Clinical Veterinary Advisor, and has authored or coauthored over 100 scientific articles. Dr. Taboada’ special interests are feline medicine, hepatology, fungal and other miscellaneous infectious diseases, and veterinary education.

Soren Boysen

Winner of the 2023 Jack Mara Scientific Achievement Award “Advances in Point of Care Ultrasound” (POCUS), co-founder of the veterinary emergency and critical ultrasound (VECCUS) working group, co-lead on the veterinary POCUS consensus statement documents, and credited with introducing the small animal world to FAST exams, Dr. Søren Boysen is considered the “godfather” and a leading expert in all things related to small animal POCUS. Søren graduated from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, completed an internship at the Atlantic Veterinary College, and a Residency in Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care at Tufts University, becoming an ACVECC diplomate in 2003. Former chief of veterinary emergency and critical care at the University of Montreal he is currently employed as a Full Professor at the University of Calgary.  Extensively published (> 150 veterinary scientific publications; editor of 2 POCUS textbooks) and a recipient of numerous teaching and research excellence awards, he has become an internationally recognized speaker, having lectured in > 30 countries. Although he loves all things ECC, he is considered a pioneer of veterinary POCUS. With the help of many like-minded individuals around the globe he continues to actively research and develop ultrasound training techniques, education programs, and workshops for non-specialist practitioners. Along with POCUS, his research interests include resuscitation, hemorrhage, coagulation, and perfusion.

Heidi Pecoraro

Dr. Pecoraro is NDSU’s VDL Director and Anatomic Veterinary Pathologist.

For over two decades she has been part of clinical and research teams in human and veterinary medicine. Dr. Pecoraro was trained as a veterinary scientist at Colorado State University and received both a PhD in pathology (2012) with a focus on molecular virology of influenza viruses and a DVM (2014) tracking mixed animal medicine. Prior to her current position as director and diagnostic pathologist at the North Dakota State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (NDSU VDL), she completed two years of residency at Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine (2014-2016) and another two years of fellowship at Oregon National Primate Research Center (2016-2018). Since 2018, she has been board certified in anatomic veterinary pathology through the American College of Veterinary Pathologists. Her expertise is in infectious and zoonotic diseases of animals.